Information Technology

230 109    (Information Technology College)


Training of specialists capable of successfully solving theoretical
and practical problems in the field of software production for
information and computing systems for various purposes,
associated with the creation and application of mathematical
support for information systems; with the development of software
and methods of administration of information systems and
networks; with the development of software for computer
technology and automated systems; using computer technology.

Educational Purposes

Development of the student’s skills of systematic search, collection,
structuring, critical analysis and synthesis of the necessary information, the application of
a systematic approach to solving the assigned tasks
Development of the ability to establish and maintain relationships in the social and professional sphere
Able to use modern information technology and software in solving problems of professional activity

Facts and Figures

3 years



Form of study


Level of education





36.000 KGS

Tuition fee

Facts and Figures

3 years




Form of study

Level of education



49.500 KGS



Tuition fee

Expected learning outcomes

Participation in the development of standards, norms and rules, as well as technical documentation related to professional activities

Installation of software and hardware for information and automated systems

Development of algorithms and programs suitable for practical use, application of the foundations of computer science and programming to the design, construction and testing of software products

Search, storage, processing and analysis of information from various sources and databases, presenting it in the required format using information, computer and network technologies

Development of modeling algorithms and their implementations based on languages ​​and packages of applied modeling programs

Use of modern system software: operating systems, operating and network shells, service programs

Career opportunities

Employers are increasingly looking for graduates with high-level

computer skills and the ability to apply them in innovative ways to

solve the problems facing their organizations. Opportunities exist

in areas as diverse as finance, films and games, pharmaceuticals,

healthcare, consumer products and utilities – in virtually all areas of
business and society.